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So paradox has a meeting with the doctor. This will be fun.
I have a question. Will Tatia’s abilities be different from the other originals sires? Due to her being sired by a hybrid? Like Niklaus’ Hybrids in the vampire diaries?
I just noticed this; but they are Greek they should be calling him Herakles not Hercules.
Life comes first.
The metric system is for how water feels the imperial system is how humans feel temperature
They should be epic at the very least
Syndrome? Is that you?
For some reason, I read this as the great wall instead of the great hall I was like of course the Great Wall is empty. It’s really friggin early and annoying.
There’s a fan theory that the Joker from the Dark Knight trilogy is actually the Joker it’s Joker Junior, which is why he has the scars.