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Thank god you did not chose bulchi
Paradis, Eren approves
Peak beast boy and teen beast boy are the same thing power wise, that was a very bad example.
if you are going to take it down, then no, there is no one else translating stuff to spanish, not gonna sell out tobio like that, dude does good work, even if its piracy
The flesh is weak is the best of all his snippets here, btw it has 2 chapter 4, should change the titles of it or give it its own fanfic, super good stuff, really love it
There is no such thing as a template from the beginning of a story, all templates are from the "end game" version of the character, once the template is complete, he gets everything the character could do by the end of the story, this is what happened to the protagonist of "beginning after the end" he got all of Arthur end game powers, magics and all, same goes to any other template.
I have read this same story in Spanish, is this a translation?
Albedo is better that both, Azmuth is just a creepy oldman and paradox does not have an interesting personality, i vote for Albedo, he is the only one with a hunger for more
he lost a lot of my respect by tweaking the genitals of another person, even if its supposed to be funny, hope its not permanent.
will we get an interlude of barry visiting batman like in the end of flashpoint? i would love to read how traumatized he is after all that.