


apologetically capricious. my older reviews may have excessively generous scores

2022-01-15 JointGlobal

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  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaid10 months ago
    Répondu à STRONSTAR

    russia, china, north korea and iran are the new axis of evil, it'll get more obvious as time goes on. this is a lot of mental gymnastics to justify an invasion on a country unprovoked, a lot of the stuff you're saying is honestly crazy people talk because you've really bought into a narrative. i don't mean this insultingly, but addressing your comment is beyond herculean, you need a shift in fundamental worldview not a counter argument because all your information is coming from states that jails you for criticism. i'm deeply disturbed that you actually believe this... please read 1984 or at least animal farm. if those books are even allowed wherever you are. i'm saying this out of love, please give those books a chance. i'm not giving my support to the west mindlessly, i'll never forget that America secretly pardoned and gave stipends to Unit 731 who I firmly believe were the most evil people active in that war, and perhaps the most evil people to ever live. henry kissinger should have been shot for his crimes against humanity, i could go on and on but that doesn't change the fact that china and russia are far more evil due to the actions of their authoritarian governments.

  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaida year ago
    Répondu à STRONSTAR

    The Taiwanese don't care if they're conquered by China? Go outside. Speak to a young Taiwanese person. Nobody wants to be conquered forcefully by an authoritarian state that allows no criticism and has such heavy censorship, I wouldn't even be allowed to say all this in China, they're pure evil. I can call the president of America a comically misplaced pensioner and not get jailed for it. There's an amusing Wikipedia article called "Censorship of Winnie-the-Pooh in China". The people of Hong Kong were in the streets en mass for years protesting the Chinese coup. You're delusional if you think anybody wants to be assimilated into China outside of a Chinese spies or morons like you. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are fighting Russia because they don't want the worst dictator since that infamous German from the Third Reich to take over. I don't know how you could say Volodymyr Zelenskyy planned a coup, he simply won an election, I suppose it might be something your brain is not equipped to process since you defend Putin who's never won an election fairly since his first one. He's also removed term limits like any good dictator and just killed his opposition like his most threatening enemy, Navalny the other day. If you think Putin really didn't kill Navalny, then I'm afraid it's too late for this conversation, you're too far gone. Bringing up the colonisation of the American Indians is funny since colonial style expansion is exactly what Russia is doing with Ukraine today, look at the bodies, so many bodies, all for one mans cursed ambition.

  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaida year ago
    Répondu à STRONSTAR

    The Japanese today have nothin to do with it. Those who commited crimes are dead. Most Japanese people today aren't even aware of the atrocities. can't blame them for their ancestors crimes now can we? Chinese government has killed far more Chinese people than the Japanese, look at the Great Chinese Massacre, the goverment killed tens of millions of Chinese and yet they don't teach that in the chinese schools, they hide it even though it's a fact, the famine was so bad there was widespread cannibalism. Japan isn't a slave of America, they've got a great economy and are doing fairly well. The Americans don't control Japan, Japan is a well respected international power. Russia is living out its imperialist fantasies by murdering people in Ukraine who have their own country and democracy and want nothing to do with them like a crazy ex boyfriend they keep relentlessly pursuing Ukraine. Same with Taiwan, Taiwanese people and government don't want to be conquered or invaded but China keeps saying they're going to do it. China is worse than current Japan right now. They're even genociding muslims.

  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaida year ago
    Répondu à Lastear

    the review was for the first 20 chapters. the romance, in spite of how unremarkable and drawn out it is, is not the most glaring weakness of this novel. several hundred chapters of drawn out nothing burger plotlines had me drop this.

  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaida year ago
    Répondu à TheGodlyFateFox

    just google the word nationalism. your understanding is incorrect. it has a negative connotation to it. ww2 germany was nationalist. russias government is nationalist. being a patriot is different.

  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaida year ago
    Répondu à Rhongomynaid

    lads its with deep sadness and regret i inform you that this ended abruptly and horribly. don't read this

  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaida year ago
    Répondu à Zen_Master

    I caught up with this recently on a whim since I often get notifications on my review actually and although this did get better, it wasn't by much, it's still a very boring novel. I'd like to add that the combat is ridiculously flat and that the side characters are quite one dimensional. Everybody in the stone tablet chat group is uninteresting. The story is alright, it doesn't lack creativity but the execution tends to be bland. Like the Heavenly Foundation Establishment was creative and the relationship the servant girl has with her ex young master is unique but it ultimatly feels like it could have just been done better. I like the author's style of writing where he doesn't go over the top and tries to make relationships and the story seem real and doesn't force conclusions but they need to write the characters better for this to work, the girl and boy don't feel fleshed out enough for me to care. The current storyline with the Saint Bandits and the princess from the chat group is the worst offender. It's poorly paced and rather unexciting. The fellas at the punishment tower or whatever are cool though. My review was of the first 40 chapters because there were no other chapters, there used to be a feature called "trial reads" on this website where every week we'd get 6 novels with the first 40 chapters translated and the top 2-3 ones that got the most positive reception that week (we could vote for trial novels with a currency called "energy stones") would get translated further while the other novels that week would be abandoned forever with a few exceptions. I'm explaining this to you because this is when a lot of reviews are written and when reviews are most important since they hold most sway. I don't think I'm in the minority here, I think a lot of people agreed with the sentiments of my review at the time, but that didn't stop them from enjoying the novel or seeing potential which is why this got picked.

  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaid2 years ago

    tired of these rizzless CN authors trying to write an MC with rizz.

  • Rhongomynaid
    Rhongomynaid2 years ago

    Do people in China read this explanation and nod their heads and think "Yeah fair enough"? I'm shook that someone wrote this and decided to share it with the world