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Frankly, expecting someone to recognize a person when everything they know about them is a lie is pretty idiotic. Given this explanation, I really hope Ash gets over Snow and completely forgets him. This portrays Snow as incredibly dishonest and manipulative.
I'm completely baffled as to what this guy's name is. All through the story it's been flip-flopping between Lucas Kim and Kim Lucas. Please, author, pick one or the other and fix it!
Unfortunately, the rest of this novel is locked behind the app, rather than being able to access the chapters using coins like other novels I've read. Since I use a desktop to read on, I guess that means the author doesn't really want everyone to be able to read it. This is decently written, so I regret not being able to continue.
Sometimes, a typo detracts from a story. Other times, it's just hilarious. Red Cheeks Academy...
Can't deny, I like the name 'Bloohdood' better than 'Bloodhood'. The latter just makes me think of tampons...
In chapter 2, it was the guitar that he loved to play.
'Despite all the explanations making sense' ... Nothing made sense out of that. It was practically incoherent, cobbled together bits without any cohesion at all.
Or at least tie her up, drag her outside where his brother actually has a reasonable chance of finding them, you know... do something logical, rather than turning the entire situation into a broken plot crutch.
This is what I mean about there being a lack of logical progression. He calls his brother before getting out of the car when a tree fell... but doesn't bother to call him here. There's absolutely no logic to it. It's very awkwardly contorted to create a situation for Caleb to be abducted, and ends up coming across as disjointed ooc patching. If he tried to get hold of his brother and couldn't, that might work, but not even trying? I suppose you could go with the assumption that being in heat caused his brain to die, and his body is just running on mindless nerve impulses. That's the only explanation I can come up with. Logical progression of events creates a solid, engaging foundation for a good story. All of that is lacking here.
I really want to like this story, but more and more it seems that the characters lose any resemblance to common sense any time the plot needs to be twisted a bit to reach the intended goal. There's a lack of logical progression in some areas. The concept is okay, but the level of writing is fairly low, and the entire story desperately needs some serious proofreading and editing. Overall, I would describe it as rather immature and clumsy, but not bad for an very amateur effort.