If you write harem, at least make it make sense, you fucking monkey
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Are you dumb? The part in this story isn’t some kind of fate or plot device, it’s just purely unrealistic. You’re genuinely a moron and you don’t even understand that.
Yeah, there’s a reason you have 0 likes gng
Dude, this genuinely makes no sense. Nobody talks like this. Unless the MC is like a 50 year old amputee, nobody is treating him like this
It’s mostly people above the age of 30 in the military who have nowhere to go once they get home
Nobody expected complete realism, I expect normal dialogue, and normal plot points, not just “it’s fiction, so anything can happen” because no, that’s not how that works. Filthy worm trying to act smart just like the other guy just to make yourself look even worse
They didn’t come close at all what? All the figured out is that everyone is infected
Yeah, I can just tell this is the kind of fanfic where every character is turned into a moron for the sake of making the main character look better
How do you think people get their groceries in small towns? Like what’re you even talking about
I feel like you’ve never actually had a conversation with anybody or something, author. This isn’t how friends talk, and especially not how Rick and Shane talked in the series
You for sure watch packgod, cornball