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This work is extremely entertaining and while the grammar and spelling isn't perfect it is still for the most part very well written. The plot is interesting and accumulative, and the characters are very well developed (although I didn't really like Donavan being a flirt and inappropriate in the beginning, it tainted his character for me). Silja on the other hand is lovable all the way throughout.
I like the complicated relationship, as well as the underdog becoming powerful. The only issue I had so far is that it isnt clear who Shen is, and how she's related to Feng Tianlan.
This is a very interesting idea of a story. There are at least two love triangles, rags to riches, and a very complex set of feeling from the FMC to the MMC.
A wonderful continuation of part one. The only drawback to the story is that there are two stories happening in different timeline with the same characters
The characters are very interesting and complex. But I found it a bit difficult to understand the world. I gather that specters are a king of fairy or lepreacon, but they don't seem specific enough.
It's a very interesting comic. Although, I haven't read past the free chapters I'm already very intrigued. I would recommend this story to anybody looking for a different twist on the classical damsel in distress.
The author makes great use of the common trope known as 'subverting tropes'. Literally. The demon turns out to be a misunderstood nice guy and the hero (heroine) is a nice girl who is seemingly used by the church for their own ends.
The story has an interesting premise. And as with many good stories it has family intrigue (in only read the free chapters, so I don't know how it goes past there). But unlike other books this story has an extremely ambiguous hate-tolerate relationship between the king and princess.
This seems to be an interesting story so far. Unfortunately, only the first four chapters are free, so I can't really see where the story is headed. The MCs are somewhat likable, but I think that their potential will only come out once their main arcs begin.
The story is left unfinished and ambiguous, I'm left unsure of a lot of the backstory, and even with the story happening in current time it's hard to find the motives of the two main male characters.