



2021-12-17 JointZambia



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  • Notion_Theory
    Répondu à Ryukurou

    keen observation alot is planned for the MC

    Fantaisie · Notion_Theory
  • Notion_Theory
    Répondu à AlexTga

    well we've been trying our very best to not reveal too much of the story at once, each setting that's being planned has to feel like it's an actual location and has to fill like it's not being forced upon the reader. the mc is just as clueless of the world as the reader and that's the perspective we're going for when writing. the mc just knows as much as the reader knows

    Fantaisie · Notion_Theory
  • Notion_Theory
    Répondu à netrics07

    thanks I'll fix the errors

    Fantaisie · Notion_Theory
  • Notion_Theory
    Répondu à Lourie_054

    well when writing the story we didn't want to spoil to much about the characters. we want you to learn more about each character though their actions and not just explain them all at once. this story will be pretty long and we've decided that we want to fully explore and expand on each character

    Fantaisie · Notion_Theory
  • Notion_Theory

    the story isn't something I'd usually read but it's really good and the writing is pretty consistent. the story is something I've seen in other books before but the presentation is different and the view is quiet interesting. good book author

    Hide Me, Mister Billionaire!
    Urbain · Kyrie_Sunbae
  • Notion_Theory
    Répondu à ssyffix

    hahahah looks like your getting close to figuring it out you'll know soon enough just you wait

          ' it turns out taking over this world isn't going to be as easy as I thought. Heck, nothing's been easy from the very beginning! My kingdom was conquered just a week after I reincarnated. I met a bunch of adventurers who ended up betraying me. I got my ass whooped and I ended up half dead in the forest. But no more! No more! This world will not make a fool out of me anymore! I am going to work till I never get my ass beaten by some low life peasents! I will work till I never have to depend on a bunch of hobos to protect me! This day, I am fully reincarnated,  I WILL RULE THIS WORLD!!'
    Fantaisie · Notion_Theory
  • Notion_Theory

    the story is really descriptive and builds atmosphere as you read and the writing quality is also top tier. the plot takes a while to get into motion but once it starts moving it's pretty good. good job author

    Tales Of A Supreme Lord
    Fantaisie · Ruovaf_star
  • Notion_Theory

    the story picks up by chapter 4 and that's when it begins to shine. the mc is smart but not the generic smart guy type, he has character to him and in some way reminds me of senku from Dr stone. the structure and Grammer of the book is really good and consistent, the paragraphs are short and easier to digest and follow, and the word that's being built in the story has a lot of promise and expectations for the future. good work on the story author this was a good read and I hope you keep up with the good writing.

    Martial RPG
    Oriental · S_Takeshi
  • Notion_Theory

    this book I ls really and a must read. the Grammer and look punctuation are up there with some good books I've read, the mystery and the twists were well done and executed in a way I didn't really expect, the author really did well with this book and I couldn't really find much that I didnt like in the story. it's we'll paced and the plot really grabs you and never lets go. good work author you made a really good and interesting story, keep it up

    The friend only I see
    Politique et sciences sociales · AlixGHF
  • Notion_Theory

    I really like this story it's so sweet and the pacing is handled well, the main leads really work well together and their chemistry really makes my heart flutter. the writing and story progression are perfect for a slice of life story and the imagery works well and immerses you into the world and the life of the character. I like the entire cast they have really unique and quirky personalities I like this book and I can easily recommend it to anyone

    In the end you weren’t worth it
    Sports, voyage et activités · AlixGHF
  • Notion_Theory
    Répondu à ssyffix

    thanks for the review man I'm glad you love the story and yes the colors have a purpose in the story and the concept of limbo will be explored on even more and expanded upon just you wait, we won't disappoint you at all we'll do our best to make the story even better and keep you guessing

    Fantaisie · Notion_Theory
  • Notion_Theory

    just finished reading the book and it's pretty good, the writing is consistant and not to many errors in the book. the romance in the story was handled pretty good and the added mystery makes tbe story even better top marks to the author

    Demon Illusionist's Passion
    Fantaisie · Yuliaresi_Anjelina
  • Notion_Theory

    just finished reading the book and it's really interesting. But all in all your book is pretty good and has potential to be big if your execution for the story is right.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • Notion_Theory

    Your book was well written There weren't any gramatical and punctuale problems I would advise you to not write the location like e.g like you did with "the home" or "the room" Instead of doing that you could describe the location and build atmosphere, give some imagery of how the location looks. The story is pretty intriguing and the twins are interesting and pretty likable And it was pretty good all in all Just build more atmosphere for situations and give more expressive dialogue for the characters to make them more unique

    The War ending
    Fantaisie · Gam3Tim3
  • Notion_Theory

    Okay I've finished reading your book So far it's way better than my first novel I have a few things that I'm about to tell you that you already know like grammatical error and lack of character design so I'll just tell you what I think you need to do to improve First off you need to learn to build atmosphere, that helps when you want to make a certain situation feel vivid and realistic It's good to summerize your sentences so that you get to the point but with certain things like how Damian pushes his dad and be falls down the stairs you could add a little bit of depth by giving the reader an idea of how the environment the person is in and give a little bit of description on how a characters expression is when a certain thing happens. And another way to give depth to a character isn't describing them but instead show the reader how a character behaves in a particular situation and how they talk and respond to certain ppl, it's a really good way to tell ppl about your character without really not telling them at all. Don't over do the descriptions if your book isn't a mystery You don't have to explain every little thing about a characters thoughts and actions unless it's necessary. Your book starts off in first person with the main character seeing most of all the things for the first time so that automatically means you can't write anything another character is thinking if the mc can't read minds so make the mc clueless about nearly everything what's happening and that will make him feel more human The best way for you to improve at a rapid rate is by reading other ppls books and studying how other aurhors tackle with certain things in their story I believe you can become better at writing, just don't give up and try to read more and try to study other authors

    The Savage Beast (dropped, for The Sword Sovereign)
    Fantaisie · DobyTime
  • Notion_Theory
    Répondu à QueenHalloween16

    thank you so much I'll make sure to keep the story and great as I started

    Fantaisie · Notion_Theory
  • Notion_Theory

    this book is hands down really good and interesting. I'm not really into the genre that this story is taking place in, but I put that all aside for the good stroy telling and top tier writing. the book is really fastbaced and if your into that kind of story then you'll like it. it's characters are well written and have some depth to them. the story has a few twists and tense momets that keep you thinking and wondering were the plot will go. but if I have to be honest there's one thing that I'd like to be improved and that's the world background, it's pretty good as is but I feel like there's some more potential to detail world building. I've read hydrangea of crescent which was written by the same author and I loved that book on how detailed the world is and I wish some of those elements were also moved on to this story. but i digress, the story is still good as is and I praise the author for her well written book.

    The Swapped Bride
    Fantaisie · QueenHalloween16
  • Notion_Theory

    I just finished reading your book and I left a review It was a pretty good story when it came to the writing quality and story progression but it seems like you were playing the story safe and you didn't go for any bold story decisions The book is great but I don't think it's something that's really rememeberable and unique cuz I've read a few books on WN but I know you'll write something really good But all in all your book was really good and entertaining

    Altered plane: I am a boss class monster
    Fantaisie · Mark_Tyler_0762
  • Notion_Theory

    it's a really good feel good story. the slice of life aspect brings the story down to earth and makes it unique, the MC has funny lines of his own and the way he breaches the 4th wall and gives his thoughts on what's happening to the reader is just great. this is a book I could see myself coming back to read over and over whenever I'm bored or sad

    Imagine Breaching the 4th Wall
    Fantaisie · Arai_Shiro
  • Notion_Theory

    I just readrhe first 20 chapters and I really like this story. I've read a lot of cultivation stories and I'm not really into them but this one is well written and Interesting and the MC is well written and interesting as he does what he does. he actually feels alive a

    Virus Cultivation
    Oriental · S_Takeshi