Admirer of many things ✨
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Well, I’m thrilled to find you here & staying to read thru your list of books is worthwhile. I’m abandoning all the incompletes I’ve been waiting to update (disappointing considering I’ve dumped $100s into some of them bc W N is outrageous & idt they’re all that great to the real, worthy authors & restrict them unless things have changed) but you quickly became one of my top fave authors. Ty for sharing your talent with us!
Noooo!!!! OMG!!!! 😱 I have it in my completed library but the red dot shows up if any books are updated so I can move it back to library. I’ll absolutely Top Up in buying coin packages ASAP since they’re fairly priced on MFR & last so much longer . Def spending them on the next book. Ty! Good to know!
I’ve always adored Chase, but his preference being to snuggle —
Bahahahahahahahaha!!! AJAX FOR THE WIN! Who’d dare tap the vamp’s booty (esp in front of a huge crowd) aside from Esme 🤣🤣🤣
🤣🤣🤣 seriously I love it
Maybe a bloody blessing in disguise
Bahahaha 🤣
Hunter, what a name 😅 We should’ve known there’d be a faction!
I figured this was coming 😏
Take them home. To the pack. Your new pack. With Aila & Damon.