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All the way till the last chapter before I dropped this trash
20 people beg to differ just in this review, I'm pretty sure that there are two or three more enlightened reviews so, yeah, we did, you just like trash and that's okay. It's not like you can't read it because it isn't good. I will just put you into the category of MGA fans in my heart, which is synonymous to braindead for me.
Bruh, she looks like Rock Lee real life if he as a female
He literally starts saying that likability is relative, so there's no need to come to my review and say shit, he could just go and do his, because, I didn't like it and that's what my OP is saying. So there's no point in making his comment. Of course, if you had two braincells working, you could have realized that.
Of all the things you could have said about my review, yours is literally the most useless and you literally start by refuting yourself, so what's the point?
Just re-read your own answer and consider it yourself, does it look like death? Yes? No? If it looks like death, he can escape, if it doesn't, he will just live normally
I don't have to consider anything cause if you're going with tech as the main ability there's really no need to waste time reading it cause that's the worst possible idea for a SW fanfic. The wish fulfilment factor isn't there. Also it's borderline as unlikable as being a transmigrator and telling people about it in the story.
The protagonist is unlikable and another one of those kinds of Immortals without ambitions or personality who live a miserable life and where no matter what happens you can tell from the start that the ending will probably be very bad, not to mention the overall development. Also there's way too much being told and nothing happening.
Have you not understood yet that this immortality is above all concepts? A timeloop is in this case just another form of death, and therefore, he can escape it.