


Burn as bright as you can in the time you are allowed to do so.

2021-10-12 JointAscension Island



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  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à SlySmile

    Again I wonder why WN readers are suprised. The dude died for trying to be a hero for once in his life. And no one thanked him, no one even knew. And he died alone in the streets. Full of regrets for the things that he did not do. He tried to be a human in hell and wanted to save people. Only to be stabbed in the thigh and be left for dead.If both circumstances didn't happen, he would have remained sane. But they did. And still few get to read between the lines. What would be necessary for you my dear reader for an Mc to change?To die? To be betrayed? Yeah he did both and you still do not think it was justified. I hope you find a book that has a white knight protagonist then. Because my book doesn't have that.

    Ch 147 Honor cannot kill [2/2]
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à Daoist799171

    You are right. Thank you. I will correct it immediately.

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à LazyPersona0

    I can assure you that he will not.

    [I am sorry, my Lord. My enthusiasm got the better of me.]
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à Michael_Mitchel

    I doubt he even read the thing. His entire review has no specific examples but are just a bunch of words trying to sound smart. His other reviews follows the same pattern.

    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à Pj77

    You are correct that I got the numbers mixed up. but the numbers you computed are also wrong. Again, you are confusing two different set of numbers. The 1100 calories is the calories in a big mac and coke. this was used to establish a baseline. The 62 grams or 303 calories is from a single sneakers bar. The example stated is that a single bite (a piece of the 1100 calorie meal) when multiplied by a thousand would greatly surpass the big mac meal. Say a single bite is worth 5 calories. that would already by 5000 calories. if consumed with {Eat}). As this was too long to explain I simply used the Calories of a sneakers bar. Which should have been 303. If multiplied by a thousand it should have been 303,000 calories not 62,000. So I was also mistaken. Thank you for pointing it out.

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à Pj77

    Okay I reviewed this and found why you are confused. The first number 2,800 is known as muzzle velocity. this is the speed at which bullets leave the barrel. The second number is the maximum distance a bullet can travel. the two numbers are related but not to be mathed. thats why it does make sense. the Bullet will leave the barrel at 2800 fps. however the bullet has weight, and weigh parrallel to the earth would be dragged to the ground. This is called bullet drop. Thus the muzzle velocity is the theoretical power of the bullet if you do no consider anything else. but heat, elevation, the corriollis effect, wind and the bullet and guns attributes such as rifling and barrel lenght all affect how far the bullet would actually go. under the best of circumstances, the maximum distance is only 1200. which is the number given by the manufacturers of the M60 machine gun during the Vietnam war.

    My fingers pulled the trigger and the M60 began spewing lead rounds at 2,800 feet per second. Originally it had an effective range of 1200 yards, which was extended by another 100 yards by mounting it on a tripod.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à LazyPersona0

    It is

    The black stallion then slowed to a trot before coming to a complete stop. Angela and I got off. And Joshua turned off the soul gear he was using. The wraith was bathed in bright light before it transformed into a man. Of course, he was naked.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à Daoist799171

    Indeed. but with {Dampen} such things like noise, no longer matter.

    Faster than I could even ask, Exa put my doubts to rest. I have to get one of these for my future house. Or maybe since we had Lilly, we could just bring diesel generators. Even though they were noisy, if I added them to my {Auto}, I could {Rewind} them for free.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à

    I will double check and get back to you

    My fingers pulled the trigger and the M60 began spewing lead rounds at 2,800 feet per second. Originally it had an effective range of 1200 yards, which was extended by another 100 yards by mounting it on a tripod.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à Daoist799171

    Haven't seen any that are big enough to power a multi story complex. If it's a few rooms gas would do but if you want to go big you have to go loud.

    Faster than I could even ask, Exa put my doubts to rest. I have to get one of these for my future house. Or maybe since we had Lilly, we could just bring diesel generators. Even though they were noisy, if I added them to my {Auto}, I could {Rewind} them for free.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à KallenEmilia


    Many might wonder what the hell I was talking about. I was 5'10'' and weighed in at 200 lbs. How could such a fat fuck run faster than even descendants and a ninja? The answer? {Fates}. Everything I would do from here on out was to show my team and the world one thing. There were no useless {fates}, only useless reapers.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à SilentTsu

    Thank you Silent Tsu!

    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à KallenEmilia

    The one and only

    "Me too! Me too! Josephine Benelli requests to join under your flag, your majesty!" she yelled.
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à SilentTsu

    Thank you for all your support Silent Tsu! Can I please also ask for a review?

    Ch 517 Solved by a bullet [2/2]
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Song of the Sirens P3.jpg
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Song of the Sirens P2.jpg
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Song of the Sirens P1.jpg
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à jcrowder111

    Wow, youre right he should technically as they kissed before he left. This is a plot hole. Thank you or finding it.The only answer I have why he hasn't loaded it yet. Currently he only has Aki's fate so if he loads it he will lose Limitless.

    Soul Capacity : {Fate} 1/8 | {Kismet} 0/10
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    The Lizardkin were not large creatures. But they were bulky and probably weighed more than a car. Each had a powerful body and wielded a large halberd-like weapon. 
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392
  • Yinghuo_392
    Répondu à Glenn_Bailey_8854

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Please enjoy the read.

    Ch 39 From today on your mine
    Limitless The Strongest Revenant
    Urbain · Yinghuo_392