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Purple eyes are one of the only colors humans do not have. True Red is another, although an albino seems like they have red or pink, their eyes actually have no color at all. Some albino people are listed as having blue eyes, but that isn't a marker of the disorder. If they have all the signs of an albino, but have any eye color other than red or pink, then it is a different disorder affecting skin melanin as there are many, but only one type of albino. Now if the person is born with pale yellow eyes, almost white - (not metallic gold/copper which is an African trait) - then they have trouble seeing at all, and the yellow eyes are a birth marker for a rather serious disease, which I can't remember the name of. As for true Sapphire Blue/black hair and actual Emerald Green/black hair? Those two were associated with some of the original Chinese from during or before the bird empire. You don't see them often anymore because the family lines were mostly exterminated by the Black hair/black eye Chinese as witches/sorcerers.
Considering the fact that it can take months for a broken arm to become useable, it's not quite wrong. The only problem? Broken bones NEVER fully heal. They instead fuse into faulty lines and morbid bone growths. And these become weak points that can be easier to break later on. In martial arts, the thickening of bones caused by breaking them was believed to make them stronger. But this was inaccurate. For comparison, imagine taking two pieces of bread dough and sticking them gently together. Now pick that fusion up and wave it around - they will separate into the two original pieces again. Bones fractures are the same way because of the crystal structures of bone formations. The likelihood of a fault point created by a break actually breaking in nearly the same place is extremely high, and it takes less effort to do so...
... who?!
That's... questionable. Many unrelated people don't make a family, but a cult or clan... 🤦 Otherwise, it's a mercantile business.
"Family don't end with blood, boy. It also requires legal documentation!"
Ace Ventura...
From the brief it seems like the MC is going to be destroyed by existential paradox, since anything he does in the past would change or eliminate his current present and presence. How can he go to the past if by going to the past he ceased to exist present causing him to have never gone to the past? Or is it self-fulling prophesy type paradox, where he only exists because he went to the past and became his own father by getting his mother pregnant with himself? A classic paradox, but still...A paradox. To change the past is to erase the present. Or...did the author simply ignore the very basics of timelines? Because if it's this last issue - why would anyone read this story? So, how did the author - you - handle the MASSIVE problem with paradoxes? Anything he does in the past would literally kill himself before he ever went to the
Nah. Inappropriate foreshadowing character scene, actually. Wrong place & wrong time to be included in the story. If it can be deleted or moved to another chapter for any reason, such as a total lack of depth, and leave the story virtually unaffected, then it either completely doesn't belong and should be relocated or deleted. This section right now? It doesn't belong. Any editor would've made the author fix this...but this is a VERY OLD novel from the early years of Webnovel. Not sure why it's being reposted as if it's new once again... 🤔
Funny. Poorly edited => mistranslated. Where Gun is actually a Spear/lance. But then, in those novels, the mistranslation also has random sex words everywhere because of translation mistakes. Also, easy to see with Google translate, machine translations, and MTL. So, yeah, if a spear is called gun, someone f***ed up.
Yes...and no. One of the richest men in the world was a homeless guy. He became rich off the stock market. Had a mental breakdown. And "disappeared". He was only found again years later, living on the streets and eating out of garbage cans. But he only became even richer during that time. So...