I don't ignore ...we make mistakes. We readers read what authors write... Have a good Time
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by the way finnally a new Cover page 🤟👌 I liked the old one too
I meant to say that, she seems to be terrified of him a lot but up to this chapter (ch 12) there is not any moment/ situation where she would be terrified of MC as per her POV ...other than him being "Scheme-y"🤔 but can be a mistake though🤔 Using AI as proofreading is good but it's so "flowery" to read 😅
That's good 👍
Maybe 🤔
Kinda same when I write a comment it always makes mistakes like missing, jumbled or different kind of words... mostly in here (Webnovel)
Oh, I hope you don't overwork yourself Author & balance your studies & Novels 🤟
🤔 He is a really complicated character
as of now I'm only caught up to "Monster" I'll hear other ones later yea, that animation of him getting those black colours were amazing
Kids look away 😐😐 hey, that's a bit too much Author ...I hope you have taged/marked this Novel as "Dark Fantasy" /Diabolical or else many would be frustrated (?)😬 ...I've read worse😶😞