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Lets see if palpatine will be the Chancellor lets see if the mc will choose a person to oppose palpatine in the election
Then if Padme was a queen when her mandate ended she never had a boyfriend
One question how old was anakin when he meets Padme is strange that between the years after the invasion in Naboo and the attack of the clones Padme didn’t have a boyfriend is very strange
Let’s see if he can change the storyline
Yes this Storm is Heating
The senate are corrupted I want to know if padme or Jedi will protect the clones and if the Jedi use the clones like in the clone wars animation or the prequel I see a revolt
Maybe Ayla Shaak ti
This guys of Naboo security are clowns and the two jedi are pathetic how is possible to listen to the senator padme until today I don’t understand how the senator could command the Jedi
Let’s see if Anakin can control himself if padme is attacked because his mother’s is already dead and he have a disturbing behavior he want to protect everyone he cares about
Like I thought shaak ti is one of the love interests