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The reviews are strange. Leaving this here to be a contrarian(I think). The MC is a bit too human. He is billions of years old? I'm assuming that alone means he is not human?
A fairly decent read. MC not OP just surprising. His character is tolerable, but poorly explained - has sane thoughts, but most times we don't know where that's coming from. The novel seems a bit ambitious? Dealing with domains and conceptual authorities while MC is barely beginning...The mention of Su country doesn't sit well.
I feel like this is the only novel that started in recent times that has come this far. It has consistent updates and the quality hasn't dropped significantly even nearing 600 chapters. I wouldn't call this a great novel by any means, but it's a great to pass time with. More importantly it manages to expertly evade all the pitfalls/turn-offs that new novels all seem to have. Yep, there maybe nothing great about it, but there is absolutely nothing bad about it. And this is something I cannot tell about any of the recent novels. The only warning signals going on in my head is about the whole "human race" thing. With increasing diplomatic channels and the new event, I hope they don't harp on about it. More importantly for someone intending to be Lord of All Races, I would find it a bit uncomfortable, to put any race above the other.
Yes. I must say the first few chapters are even awesome. It's a great setup. But that only makes the letdown even worse.As for him having an edge over those of the same realm...we would have to find another MC if he didn't have atleast that much.From the way the setup begins, you would expect him to be the absolute bleeding edge of the world's strength even if not overwhelmingly powerful. And the system would have been able to keep him ahead of the strength and growth the world itself supports.
The first few hundred chapters are a blast. Dropped after the Paragon arc. I'm guessing they we attempting to do character development. Well, they couldn't do it without losing the fun or maybe I dropped too early?The comedy? no, the humor, is well written. I love Riley's dialogues. He is a monster, but a very entertaining one.
I expected a #invincible type novel from the synopsis. But no, mc is weak. Yes, he has accumulated exp, but there progressively arbitrary reasons as to why he cannot use them at any given point in time. And the OP chick with a mysterious background ...ewwwww.
"Uh? Ewwwwwww? WTF did I just step on?" *Proceeds to be electrocuted for cursing*
Just imagine listening to a song and waiting for the beat to drop or waiting for the punchline of a joke. Yeah, well it didn't happen till I dropped the novel. I was left with a very strong feeling of "I don't get it".
Starts out just fine. Very generic, but fine. Very little is known about MC's personality and motivations for some of his actions, before he makes the biggest impression on the reader at around chapter 20: of being an absolute idiot and a wimp. He does this by revealing everything about his transmigration and perks he got from it. And then getting faux?-blackmailed(btw of false sexual assault allegations) by his sister. As for breaking down some wall between them, I call bullshit. At the very least I simply cannot sympathize with it and the author took no effort to ensure anyone would either. Or maybe he did and it just went over my head.
No farming (till i quit). Contrived plot. MC's behaviour akin to roid rage.