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why are we paying for repeat chapters . are you going to compensate us back
again with the wrong name, very confusing????????
I am so confused???????? with the wrong names for the characters
I would have liked this book more if it didn't cheat me with all the repeating chapters ,so didn't finish. very disappointing 😕
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
what's with all the repeat. compensate
great story line. love the humor and adventures keep coming one after another . just don't like the cut off of the story without any reason. hate cliffhanger
love Beauty Gu 😍 💕 💗 💖 ❤ forever . Great story Recommends for everyone . Love the different characters, especially the names 😄 🤣 😂 of our beauty's pets
love it. heart warming, great plot and great experience. would recommend for everyone. emotionally enjoyable read. funny when needed, emotionally and surprisingly sentimental when you least expect .great job