

2021-08-21 JointUnited States



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The Root of All Evil: The Dark Era Saga

The world is engulfed in darkness by the source of evil that only ancient texts can describe. The balance of reality is shifted and this world turns into mixed fusion of realms, due to the cause of this source of evil. Now mankind falls to an abyss of their pleasures and lose their since of humanity. A place where anything is possible all become beautiful in a world collapsed into deadly vices, but everything comes with a cost. As demons possessed the bodies of human and gifting them with beauty among beauty. Yet the souls turn black, and are corrupted into darkness… The balance of fantasy and reality merge in to one unholy plain, this virus that was cast into this world and will spreads out to all parts of all known creation… If uncheck. Yet, in this dark time, holy texts explain this unknown evil with faith. This warp reality gives a chance for a spark of light to shine on selected beings by the mystical forces that once where nothing but books. But were they? These holy books always correct in at a certain point. Now each religion and believe is granted a hero to help fight the balance of this evil that runs swiftly through the streets like an unchecked virus… Can different religions and cultures work together for light or are we always meant to be divided? All I ask is… Who do you believe in? Come into a world where all is all. Darkness holds a firm grip on light and time is running out. Is it possible to be free again or are we already accepting this new era?

AladdinAli777 · Fantaisie
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