

2021-08-14 JointGlobal



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The Model Queen

One shot one stupid stab in the back and i died my life gone the life i worked so hard to get the money,fame all gone.Her life ruined by the people she trusted and loved shes done the man she trusted long enough to drown in killed her mercilessly because he wanted money her money if he would have asked she wouldnt have thought twice begore giving it to himshe loved him so much but the man was a cheat her stepmother and her cheat boyfriend conspired against her as she got hit by a car the blood was all over as her eyes shattered she closed her eyes all so slowly as she realised she was dead regretting the choices she made in her life and hoping her dad didnt dig their grave fifteen years when he had cheated on her mom with her stepmother Her eyes blinked as she woke up she was suprised when she finally looked at the mirror she was shocked she pointed her fingers poking at the image in the mirror as if making it to magically dissapear she then stopped as she realised what she was doing was embarassing even for herself she looked intensively at the mirror looking at the very unfamiliar face with round dark eyes pale lips and her short hair she hated short hair she a smile then formed on her face as she slowly turned around smiling at how much her life hated her right now her hands on the mirror she looked behind suprised to see maids also intensevely looking at her she freaked and started to run like a mad man decifing on where to go between the left or right in the big empire..... read on to continue

Lora_Tyrens · Fantaisie
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