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short chapter cost this much?
cat person = fairy race, ? feline race, monster girl
This thread of the plot is not logical or practical. It is disconnected. The team has betrayed mc without any recourse.
another non-chapter charge, webnovel sure is milking every concept to screw over readers!
And I was just charged for tjis info? What a ripoff!!!
chatacter intergty is not being maintained, while chatacter names are being switch around confusing the story line. otherwise i enjoy it.
I doubt that very much.. You wish to instigate further commentary?
So freaking funny!!!!
I like the plot direction, even if some can be evisioned. There is suttle hints with twists that imparts humor and glee. Karma is a royal obnogious bitch when dealing with life.
Being new to this type of genre, the explainations given do help. Although grammer and punctuation needs to be refined. Many sentences are incomplete, ie; missing words, incorrect tone or use of verbs and pronouns. Story would be more intune if it was edited professionally.