

2021-07-11 JointGlobal

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  • NLinCH
    NLinCHa month ago

    Thanks for your the chapters, This story is a gift that keeps on giving. I need to force myself to forget about it for some time, just to have a day of joy when I can finally read the next set of chapters. I hate getting myself waiting for the next chapter, so I read in bursts of chapters that belong together (sometimes one or two after but never more and never less). This latest set of Rakna's second path quest was another great Arc. We got intricate fighting, deep emotions connected to character building and another set of words that have gained additional meanings. For example: Even when I read Life Hunter a few years ago, I never saw the explicit duality of Arimanes moniker as a kind demon now understood as kind evil. I knew he was kind and was willing to be evil if it concerned the wellbeing of those he chose to care for. What is even more fascinating is how you manage to interweave such concepts without it ever feeling forced. We had no connection to Arimane until this chapter, but this information already became clear within the fight quiet a few chapters ago. Another thing I want to congratulate you on is the wonderful balance in 'screen time' between the different fight. We managed to enjoy both, without one supplanting the other. Every reader may have different interests, but thanks to the half-half split, you managed to allow for interactions between the two scenes without big time jumps. Whenever one fight may have gotten a bit boring, you managed to interject some fragments of knowledge, something about the details and the nature of this existence of your creation. This once again made us eager for more and for how said knowledge may effect the further story. As such we are left hungry, but never starving and at the same time see how most of this knowledge is of actual value to the story. Any ways, Thanks again for writing and I hope I may enjoy another set of great chapters in another half a year (or more if you need the time, or less, if I can't contain myself). Thaaanks!

  • NLinCH
    NLinCH4 months ago

    Thx for the chapters, Also , I don’t believe you to go to deep. Every time I read it feels fluent, always increasing the ever growing complexity of one’s view on your world and characters. That isn’t wasted time , that is world building and aids the immersion of the story. If I may offer a story to offer a comparison beasts: reborn and beasts: reborn revamped. Those belong to my top five novels and are even more spent with time describing and if they would offer borderline to much, your storys also both in my top five, could only be described as a fantastic in its density of descriptions, with their descriptions focused just as great. As an example the story may describe even: the fluent nature of the wild in it's most natural and wild forms and how to let it shape itself like water its curvy path through the sediment of a given trench, breaching wat is put in its way, shaping what respects it.

  • NLinCH
    NLinCH6 months ago
    Répondu à _Avatar0FFury_

    Thanks a lot! Good luck also with your job(s) and try at professional writing. (Don’t forget to first inform yourself.)

  • NLinCH
    NLinCH6 months ago

    Since I noticed I can’t really edit my review from when the story was just out, let me write another one now at chapter 56: A hero; what is a Hero? The world knows them as saviours and protectors of humanity and civilization. As powerful warriors who don’t shy away from combat. But is that all there is to it? In a world propagandised by those who kill anything inhuman without thoughts, is it still possible for a fair open hero to exist? One who accepts life and nature as long as they don’t attack him? This story is about such a person. Claude a fledgling on his way to become a hero in his image. A beast tamer with a magically strong affinity to nature. What accomplishments may he achieve? But first he’ll have to survive introduction to his new academy. Review: Great writing that sucks one into the story; Our dear writer has actuall work and offers this masterpiece in his freetime so not a lot to complain. Whenever he stops for a while, you can be assured that it will continue (also keep up to date with his disc.); Story developments are natural and never random it may at times feel and be slow, but that’s the price for -; Perfect worldbuilding: I have never seen such in depth worldbuilding as that of AvatarOFFurY. Be it character or world, seamingly nothing is without reason. Everything is as flowing as the wild, as diverse as nature. May live find its way to more of this great story. Big thanks to all your heart work, may you have continuous success in bring others joy through your great writing, may you continue to live another day, leave behind great works to stay. Thanks

  • NLinCH
    NLinCH6 months ago

    . (Sry doing this for a source of daily fastpass; gave the average scores rounded up at the time of writing)

  • NLinCH
    NLinCH7 months ago

    Thanks for the chapter, can’t wait for more, though than again: you taking your time might just be what aides your stories nearing perfection. Anyways, may the wild ever flow.

  • NLinCH
    NLinCH7 months ago

    Finaly up to date with the Story again. Still remembering starting reading the original or better, first take, at my grandparents in summerholiday. Now 3 years later that is where I truly got into the revamped wilderness. I still can't wait how the wild story may grow, even as it’s leaves embrace me into shadows of endless possibility. Thanks for writing and thanks for the chapters. (ps. I believe it’s time to soon update my review were it not past midnight.)