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"i am batman" sound like right lol 🤣🤣
poor Cecil gonna have to be ready for stomaches lol 😂😂
@Mr_Aizen can I ask you a question how do iIput some cover photo on my fanfic ? i don't know how to turn photo into 600x800px and 5m 😂
name of the fanfic was FATE: the man with a divine keys
nah ideology i don't have one I'm just like those who never think about troublesome things like ideology and stuff like that,
haha that why Emiya is so uncomfortable with her but just so you know echidna way of wanting to save everyone is very twisted on her own like how other witches do by basically killing everyone in other to be save
maybe the one kumoko have to the skill mental immunity skill to prevent mental damage,
that sound lewd but okay ,
haha Subaru definitely need some power ups his return by death is good and all but it's breaking him mentality so how about giving him some mental immunity like the one D makes in the world she mess around when Shiro taboo lvl10 show her the true , and some Kim gonja death parade skill where he can literally summon undead creatures of the enemy he kills or just the unique skill gonja have where he gets to copy skill of his killer , lol 😂😂
lol yea it's the author that was stupid i didn't even bother reading it unless aqua and rubu gonna be together (wincest) so i just read fanfic of them where they are together as a couple lol 😂😂😂