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I will give updates to soon I need some time . Just wait
It was a good book. No words to speak . I am waiting for a update . I was nice love story . I story abt historical love at beginning was nice.
It has a good plot and intersting character. The character as good chance to improve in this world . Keep up with your work . Make the devil or enemies strong So the character can improve this power and become strong .
Nice work . Just try to make the words easy to understand . Over all it was a good work . The chapter just started try to keep up a work . All the best .
Thanks for thr reply
It has a good way of explaining the feeling of thr characters. I enjoyed the way of writing. Just make the character development properly. It will be nice if the potential of the character increase. You made a good job work. I am waiting for other chapters to be released.
Ok sir, I will try to change it
The chapter is so cool.
Yes sir, I will make sure about it
Sir, where will you post my novel