I read WN to escape from my work life.
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How come it passed 10 years when he joined the hunt right after his arrival ?
I know this is a fic but man even a blind dog knows how valuable FNC is. It is not about money. FNC is a voice for people on the other side of isle. So to sell shares in FNC meant giving out amm*nition for a person who might be an enemy. How do you think FNC grew so rapidly? They have huge political backing.
Oh dang. For a sec, I was confused as well. Down the line, Fox Networks became huge where as 20th century Fox became a liability.
Actually Disney was never interested in 3D animation full length films. There is that 1 guy in Disney who pushed Disney’s participation in 3D anime. He is also the one who facilitated the deal.
If he has cash flow, he could buy both. If not New Line Cinema should be the pick. Since they have nice library.
Bruh that piece of land is under Coastal erosion risk.
lol. Yeah anything can happen in Fanfic. Though Will Smith doesn’t have that fast speaking cadence in his rap. Also even if can talk fast, it doesn’t feel natural. Tucker naturally speaks faster.
Yeah but later part of the bloodline are just mortals right with 200 lifespan right?