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Bruhhhhhhhh!!!!. Not trying to exaggerate or anything but, the synopsis is just on point. Nothing I have seen before. I am really looking forward to how the story will play out.
I know right. So on point.
I am going to be honest. This book really captured my heart. The Manner in which you our dear author decided to give an introduction of your book just made me want to read more. This is really genius. I am waiting for more.❤️
This is my first time reading contemporary romance and from my view this book has made justice to it. One can see this book has many devotions. It's a good work.❤️
This story is different from the ones I normally read. The character designs are good. The plot of this story is quite interesting. The book is just wonderful.✨✨
The structure of this book is absolutely interesting. The plot is just wonderful. The manner in which this story has been structured it's as though it's not going to end like other arranged marriage stories. I am excited to know more.