Allergies...... Vice Leader of the Three Period Gang. I enjoy writing overpowered protaganists.
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I don't really care about the romance part of it or whatever review bomb is going on. If you ignore of all of that, the whole fighting part and "cheat" can be pretty entertaining. I especially enjoy the Viral Hit/Manhwa crossovers. There is quite a lot that you could do with that. Please less horny. Please more people getting their heads crushed by barstools basically. Also, add capybara.
A Fountain of sentient Capybaras.
I want a fountain of magical capybaras.
It's good but some chapters have too much Chat-GPT infused into them. Besides that, it is pretty good so far. ..................................................
When is the Capybara?
Water Bowl. How menacing.
thats what I said in the synopsis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*drowns to death*
Bump, Set, Spike
Honestly, it is quite mediocre. I’m gonna just say that it isn’t extremely horrendous or anything, it’s just meh. The grammar is readable, and all, but the dialogue feels kinda off. At times it can be a bit monotone and somewhat repetitive. It hollows the characters in some ways. Not to mention the pure monologues. While I know the author most likely wants to be concise and all but it just feels really masochistic to read through everything, something like quantity over quality. It does of course have its good points though, as the humor can be pretty decent at times and the usage of the system is good. Don’t take my word for it though.