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Cheers for the update! I'ill go back and change them shortly.
Ironically enough, later on it will change to the third perspective. I found it clearer since I will delve into different characters and constantly switching from POV isn't that great. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Thanks for the compliment, midterms are just around the corner. So unfortunately I can't promise anything. But I'll definitely try to become more consistent.
Thanks for the heads-up!
I'm all good, I've simply been busy with school and some other things. Thank you for the comment!
No, you're right it's meant to be ichor but for some reason Grammarly always notes it as a nonexistent word. I'll go over the chapters and reedit that.
No, with home I mean morr like a place he cares for and sees himself living in. He wants to live a proper life seeing that his previous one ended prematurely. That doesn't mean he will just stay still until he dies.
The chapters get longer later on. I didn't know what the wished-for length was for a chapter and thought of them as pages. I've also been thinking about reediting after volume 1 and will probably add more content about the 10 years walk. Thanks for the review!
Romance, Probably in volume 2. That's why its not an added tag yet.