

2021-04-10 JointGlobal

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  • gairbear15
    gairbear153 years ago

    the only thing I can suggest, is that go more indepth, like instead of just saying 'the fireball flew', you could say: 'the raging, destructive, fireball speed, with the speed of ten horse, giving no time for the horned wolf to dogde, and as it exploded with the strength of two suns, turning the wolf into little more than cinders, and quickly turning to the next, wolf created, a wind blade, throwing it forward, it quickly reached the wolf, and like a knife through butter, split the wolf in two, and as the body fell, blood and entrails, spread onto the ground. Then, turning towards the last wolf, just as it jumped trying to skewer, him or at the very least take this vile, beastly human down with it, and at the last second, summoned an earth spike, and the wolf's eyes winded with surprise and fear, and that was the last two emotions it would ever feel again, as the wolf impaled itself, one could see, brain matter and blood on the earth spike...' doesn't that sound more... interesting, add some meat, you had the bones of the fight, but I like meat in my meal, ask yourself when writing fight scenes stuff like, how did he wolves look, what did the fireball look like, how did the fireball fly, you main find when you ask yourself these types of questions, out loud. you may find that they will help you a lot.

  • gairbear15
    gairbear153 years ago

    I originally thought that Jack was favorite then I met Astrid, "lick, lick" but I personally prefer cats over dogs, "Go Team Neko!" no, just me, ahhh

  • gairbear15
    gairbear153 years ago

    when first reading this I thought that it was to much like vamp system, but I after reading further I learned that I like this one better, the reason is because the main character in vamp system was just to unrelatable, his character was just boring, for one Quinn was practically tortured, he was beaten, when people would hurt him they would just ignore his suffering, and here is being a hero, then here you have Moby, who has gone through practically the same thing, but character is so much better, so much more interesting, but I have always related more with the villains, the outcasts, the people who haven't become heroes because of their pain, but instead have become the hated, simply because they didn't fit in, take the Joker for example, all he wanted was to make people laugh, but was never able to and was outcasted for it, or two-face, disfigured by acid, and once again was outcasted for it, just like Moby, simply because he was different he was hated, and all the people who say that this book is just a copy of vamp system, obviously haven't read past the first few chapters, Quinn is almost afraid of his power, whereas Moby isn’t, it's almost annoying, now I'm not saying that vamp system is a bad novel it's just a bit annoying how Quinn acts, and the plot holes man, it explains nothing about anything at all. this book: 5 stars.

  • gairbear15
    gairbear153 years ago
    Répondu à gairbear15

    also please don't make her too overpowered

  • gairbear15
    gairbear153 years ago
    Répondu à HopelesslyRomantic

    The main character is pretty awesome, but my favorite character has to be Jack, the anti-social is strong with this one.