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Noice, you found a way to add that in here. Thank you for that. LoL.
So I'm not the only one this happens to??? Thank the God's, I'm not alone!!! *cackles*
"To, In" there's really no need for innuendo here. LoL
What, no Masamune???
Totally. I ain't reading this on my laptop after all. LoL. 😉
No High School or College/University education. It's similar to the standard I.Q. test, which has as much to do with how much you know as well as how well you use it. If you don't know much, no matter how you use it you're still behind the curve, and the reverse is also true. You can be a walking encyclopedia, but if you can remember what you need when you need it without some special means, it's worthless.
Damn, now I want to watch that movie again. Only, I still have soo many more chapters to read!!!!!! Decisions, Decisions.......
I'm sorry, I just have to say this. During this entire ark, I have not once been able to see our strong "Verdant" Tigress. Her every action, every word, has screamed her innocence and naivety to an extreme that I can't see her as a MILF in my mind right now. More like a shy, timid girl, still in high school. 16-17 years old with her just slightly older BF, both exploring her body and its capabilities for the first time. Neither knowing what will happen next. Even though I know the absolute truth about our "Devil's Advocate" here.
I'm sorry everyone, I just can't anymore. Is it just me, or is anyone else having a hard time not referring to him as "Ballsack"? "The Great!" "The Mighty!" "ballsack." LMAO