The Laments of a Guilty Soul Eater
When Kai is pulled through a portal into nothingness, nothing seems to happen. Days, months, years, decades, nearly a century later, Kai is released from his prison. But something has changed. He no longer has a body, a form, and instead is a being of pure mental energies. To survive, he must feed on the crux of what makes us human- our emotions. A journey of small joys found in the ocean of stresses and sadnesses in life, and the eventual end of one beautiful thing leading to the birth of another.
AUTHORS NOTES - The first volume (1-34) issues with the consistency of the actions of the main characters. The gap time taken between posting the final chapter of the first volume and the beginning of the second volume was to ensure these issues would be remedied for the rest of the novel. I personally think the ending of the first arc really makes up for all the issues with the novel, so you should totally give it a try!
Teddy_910 · Fantastique