

2021-03-31 JointUnited Nations

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  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvana year ago

    Good story but could deal without all the uneeded flashbacks.

  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à scyfly

    I have other plans for Jaina but not as a friend you'll have to wait to see the path I place for her which was mainly influenced by a fan made song I heard on Youtube a few years ago. As for picking them before getting to know them being creepy not sure how it is since that is what happens in over 80% of all fan fics.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à scyfly

    Black panther armor is just Batman armor with a cat theme and skin tight. No thank you.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à BBgun38

    That was a good catch so I've updated the dates.

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  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à galfimber

    Не в текущий период времени. Нет точной даты, когда они были, поэтому мне нужно посмотреть, как они стареют и еще много чего.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à oceansick

    Yeah there was another guy doing a wow fanfic but he dropped it in the last couple of days. I'm surprised there aren't a lot more considering how long the games have been out.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à jjr_52

    Those are in the plans just having to run through some details considering once again I would be introducing things way before they first appeared in the game not to mention other changes but it will be interesting depending on how I take this. Could use blizzards time honored tradition of the land was covered in a magical mist.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à AntiWorldSystem

    Someone is mad about still being a virgin. It's okay maybe one day someone may like you....in your dreams hahaha.

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  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à Goca

    I'll tell you like I told the one guy complaining about OP items. It is literally early in the story with almost 3000 years to the games current time line. Things change in that amount of time. Also don't you know? Women always rule things in the dark.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • SvanSvan
    SvanSvan2 years ago
    Répondu à Fex

    Just now seeing this while at work and couldn't hold back a laugh haha

    Ce livre a été supprimé.