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I absolutely agree with everything in this post! Couldn't have said it better ^^
Glad to hear you're alive 😊 Sometimes life just gets in the way. I hope things calm down for you soon, if it's not the positive kind of crazy ^^ If it is, let it rage on and enjoy 😄
Even though it sucks that you're locked out of WN, I like the sound of "chapters" as in multiple instances of awesomeness coming our way 😍 Good luck dealing with the technical issues!
Judt dropping by while doing my daily checking of "ooooh I hope she posted the next chapter" and rereading eveything until then 😁 I hope we get some flashbacks of one of her previous lives in the near future. And of course more antics and AMAR (no I am not obsessed, just immensely invested in the story of this particular little munchkin 😜)
OMG so much background info 😍 I would love to see this as a manga - or through your eyes so I could catch all the fun little details a little faster 😁
I was wondering... Does she know?!
Get well soon and thank you for the chapter! My thoughts after finishing: AMAR!!! And Georgie is still alive as well! I loved reading about those two ^^ Great little detail with Amar and the cookies. I wonder how he managed to not get himself killed during a sugar crash before? Maybe thanks to the other "homewrecker"? A lot of new characters, set-ups for new plot development and the story seems to blurr and change from what Rosa knows. Very interesting 🤓. Such a shame that it isn't October, yet. I just want to keep reading 😆
YES!!! It's here! And now I'm hungry xD uuuuh potential spoiler alert: Abby and Mikhail?!?!? Is she the servant girl he got disowned for?
I like the concept of your story, the plot, the different POVs and your writing style very much! I hope you continue to update :D