I am a guy who likes to think nonsense.
de la lecture
Lire des livres
If I tell the overall result then, NO
I am sorry
Chill out, bro. Why are you getting so triggered that they haven't colonized half of the universe? It's a fanfiction of MHA, not interstellar war.
Sé que los capítulos son lentos pero te aseguro que no retirarás la parte cuando se convirtió en villano.
I can't promise regular Updates but 2-3 day max, and I won't drop it that a guarantee
no i am just quite busy
Bro your word hurt me, but I think you are right and this made me realize that maybe I am just thinking I am too good but the story is not about how he got to that point, it's about what happens after that point and you said that it's unclear what's happening but that part was for later but I think rewriting all the chapter is a good thing to do. So thanks for your views I hope I can make it up to you.
Я просто хотел, чтобы люди знали, чем он занимается. Все это время это не столько сюжет, сколько повествование.
There is no harem and what god the mc is a secret for now.
Read the second chapter carefully the first part was a dream then he was lying on the ground he woke up read that part carefully. Its funny how confused you are, but I can only say this, read more carefully.