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This is good, this is good, this is good, this is good, this is good, this is good, this is good, this is good, this is good, this is good, this is good.
Let me claim the second
Please don't be stingy in chap updates. And also just some suggestions, please focus on just one book and don't make too many drops. Just focus on one book then do the second one after this. I wish you could consider this request of mine. By the way, the book was great, and the grammar wasn't a problem because I don't care much about grammar. The plot was brilliant and I wish you to continue.
You're Welcome... And Update soon
I won't give a five star, after all, there are no perfect in this world. I just want to the that the book was great and a bit cliffhanger because I still want some episodes. This was the second time I read a story that the MC was a Woman that I genuinely liked. Update more... I'm still waiting... By the way... Nice Writing and Storyline...
Here someone said her/his story wasn't that great! Hehe! Nice Story... A cliffhanger tho.
I know you deliberately doing it