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Hello this is for the author, I havent read the book yet though i plan too once the book hits 500 ch but i would recommend you read the other books in this genre to better understand what the pitfalls of the genre are and how to avoid them, in particular I recommend reading tyranny of steel, 1453: revival of byzantium and low dimensional game along with chrysalis (chrysalis dosent have much to do with the genre but the excerpts he writes make the world building a first class example on how to properly world build). One more thing, if you want to find good videos on how to improve your writing and world building watch a youtuber called “hello future me” he breaks all of it down very neatly and makes the topics very interesting as well. Thanks alot and have a great day
Hey author just a heads up the new cover art is from a p*orn manga. Just a fyi. Love the book keep up the hard work[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
Its 2 ch every day he just took nov off
Hey author i love the novel and please keep up the good work. I see how hard youve worked to creat such a buetiful world and narrative so please keep up the amazing work
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
Love the story. Ive read all 2000 or so chapters so far I absolutely love the book and all the unique world building so far. The only thing that personally irks me is that i dont think he uses the technique upgrade feture proactively enough saying that hes saving up instead or that the next technique could build off of the previous one but why would it matter if it was building off the previous one, its not like he forgets the previous technique as soon as he upgraded it right? So i dont really get why he doesn’t upgrade his techniques as soon as he can. But besides that inconsistency in his logic i love all the rest of the story. I think this book is nearly perfect in all aspects and keep up the great work author
AUTHOR IMPORTANT MESSAGE Later in the chapter when he was balencing his body and soul strength the time for assimilating the time carp bloodline is wrong. It counted the time outside the origin and not the inside like it was supposed to