Book and Anime lover.
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Thank you for the gift I_Ship_Anime
And fast.
Okie dokie author. Thanks for the updates. Don't forget to take care of your health first before anything else.
I hope I'm not the only one who wishes that Lady Evin won't be cured by Anna? I don't like her one bit.
Allure of the... night😉...water? *wink* *wink*😏
Tyra is seriously crazy, you know. She's disregarding the close friendship she shared with Alicia and Susan. Could someone please tell me what chapter our dear author mentioned her new book about bandits and werewolves?
Thanks for the update author Obsidian. Can't wait to find out more. You haven't updated for some time. I hope all is well?
I just love this book even though it's currently in chapter 17. But I know creation is hard so cheer up Author Dear_Bliss. Please, find time to update chapters. I'll be waiting to you. You don't know how many times I've checked to see if you've updated or not. Your novel is great and has potential.
Hmm...I don't know, but I'm guessing it's probably something scary or embarrassing to the Prince.
Yes!! I've missed Vonny!!! Thanks for the chapter author Obsidian.