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Bruh Ainz would treat him like Kazuma and Subaru or even Tanya in that crossover. It’s basically soft canon
Bro Ainz won’t do this just because of that
What is this low iq mindset ?
Maybe he can talk to momonga? Like he is looking for people from his world, maybe he can convince him
Ty lee and Azula x Mc?
I feel Doomsday being made
Bro is a menace
I think it’s because the fact they are trying to stir away from that path, not because they soft but because of they did it and powered through everything they will be the same as the Old devil kings, they are advocating their race to change and be different from what they used to be. They are instilling law and order, they are trying to get away from the “Law of the Jungle” where the strong do whatever they want kill and destroy as they pleased, just for someone to replace them and the cycle continues, they are basical acting like savages.
It doesn’t work anymore you have the updated ver?
Who romance partner? Vanica? Or Dorothy plz