

2021-02-01 JointGlobal



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  • PerseusDragonblood
    PerseusDragonblood4 years ago

    This story has alot of potential and a good read for anyone into less conventional forms of writing 🤣🤣🤣. The story looks like with good attention and care, it could become a banger.

The Hearth of Nzuri

In the presence of light darkness conceals itself, In the presence of darkness a favor light does not return, But light can be good as well as corrupted For the pain of betrayal does not come from thy enemy, But the one in which they trust and call thy friend. The devil was once an angel, So do you think his glow has faded? On the faces of beautiful people lie hearts bitter and jaded, So do not believe that darkness is bad and light is good, For the light can deceive but the darkness is blunt and never would. In a world where humans no longer walk the earth, animals were given a second chance at redemption by an unknown entity. King Leonidas, the first host of the light brought the world back into peace with his works. But Senone, an unfortunate soul desperate for power by whatever means necessary, cursed herself in an attempt to be like him, almost ruining the world once more. Overthrown by her granddaughter Hestia, the world regained its peace but with Leonidas' light no longer present. This new Earth has been left in control of the animals and the Lion Prides of the Savannah rule by fear, might and ambivalence. This story follows the adventures of a young powerless Lion by the name of Apollo as he ventures to find his place in a world where animals are blessed with abilities. Is he truly powerless, will he use his short comings to his advantage? Or did he just pull the short straw? Stick with us to find out what secrets this young lion holds?

PerseusDragonblood · Fantaisie
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