I had once screamed, gradually, I lost my voice. I had once cried, gradually, I lost my tears. I had once grieved, gradually, I became able to withstand everything. I had once rejoiced, gradually, I became unmoved by the world. And now! All I have left is an expressionless face, my gaze is as tough as a monolith, only perseverance remains in my heart. This is my own, an insignificant character's Perseverance!
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you do know that archdemon also has a pretty high constitution i can accept simple debuff but to be weaker pwak human is simply plot which considering the story has improved i can almost ignore
only some versions don't reproduce they instead make clay figures and pray to greek gods for life
i mean with the help of mc maybe she is more controlled so much so that she can simply revive mc if he ever dies other than that idk what can even stop her
i can hear her saying that fuck my ears
yeah and that id personality is not just one time occurance but has happened before in the kurama clan like yakumo's father said during his conversation with hiruzen
wait there is a timeskip when did this happen
he reminds of someone who sparkles in tge sun and looks like he holding a massive shit in every time we look
yeah if that happens whoever it is, she is going full extinction style on their ass like on the mutants
definetly some plot armor
sure bro okay i don't even remember this comment and context however