

2021-01-08 JointGlobal

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  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago
    Répondu à PancakesWitch

    Nah for real, I found the story pretty interesting, but I find the MC really too annoying, he shares his power with other people, he is way too nice too. I didn't like it at all, I was expecting it to be a fan fiction with anime characters like goku or naruto and the mc was going to fight with them and befriend them but it's not that at all. I'm a bit disappointed, it had a very good potential though...

  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago

    pknfozoncoeovrfvgrfobornvorovnrfvojnonofvndfvofedvnodreovbnrodjbndojfbnodfnbdfobnfdobnofdbofdbnfdbfdnobdnodobndobdf.rlglbknepbrbrbrbnorgborgnb. It's just Incredible Please Read This Novel

  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago

    The best Novel his plateform , the mc is just insane and i like His Power. evevev eveevev efv e ve ve ve ve vev*eveeevevevvefvefibuvhef_veh_viuehvizeuicj

  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago

    The story is very intriguing, I really loved it, it reminds me a bit of Great Demon System I love this novel. But at times I feel like one of the hero's friends really wanted to be more than a friend, which was pretty weird, but other than that I really enjoyed it, I recommend it to everyone, it should be a reference novel

  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago

    This novel deserves a little more attention, but indeed the beginning is horribly slow, you have to wait 40 chapters before you really get into it and it's really a pity because it has a great potential even if I didn't really love the work I still spent a good little moment I give a good note so that there is more visibility

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago

    WARNING / SPOIL The novel is just amazing, very well written and I find the story exciting but there are still many things that bother me. To begin with: the beginning is really slow I know it's to build the world in which our hero is but it doesn't change anything waiting for more than 25 chapters for it to start to be really interesting I find it a bit much. Then there are some incoherent things in my opinion: Why doesn't Jin use his skill to heal his grandmother, as he did to make her sick? He can make believe anything, in fact they could get out of a lot of situations if he would have just used this ability and this skill is getting better every time he gets stronger. The hero improvement is really slow too, the system is just way too slow and you can't feel the power of the stats. I'm not sure how much I'm going to like it, but it's still a masterpiece. The story is really gripping despite its slowness, and I love to see him with his friends, I really enjoyed this novel, and I highly recommend it.

  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago
    Répondu à Afas_Infos

    this is a fictional story forgot your common sense and read this amazing story

  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago
    Répondu à Danny_Pang

    This is an alternative history, keep your common sense to yourself

  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago
    Répondu à SleepingHermit

    This is an alternative history, keep your common sense to yourself

  • Afas_Infos
    Afas_Infos3 years ago
    Répondu à Dakratas

    This is an alternative history, keep your common sense to yourself