


I'm a Libra and am currently probably younger than you lot. I enjoy reading manga and mystery stories. I think I'm a rather boring person and am difficult to talk to at first.

2020-12-20 JointCanada

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  • Katzenliebe
    Répondu à MasterHexer

    Thank you very much for telling me (I was really scared that I'd end up doing something like that because I talk like that). I wrote the descriptions like that with some hesitance? Wasn't sure if people would think it was good or bad, but I guess it's not okay (tbh... when I read I just add the little details that authors add in along the way...) I do read what I write, I just assume that people will make the same assumptions that I made and so somethings aren't clear (And I know this happens because sometimes I talk about something someone said three months ago and they go "What are you talking about???", and I know that is sounds like I have zero clue what I'm writing about because I sound like I have zero clue what I'm talking about Q.Q). I'll go back and fix anything that I just assume people will correlate with. It was something that didn't bother me as much because there weren't a lot of people mentioning it so I thought people were making the sort of watery connections... (Thank you a lot for telling me though, like really OvO) I'll try to fix the sense of time as good as I can (idk I just can't write grammar properly), but I really have zero clue how to display [this is one hour, that is ten minutes] or something like that... About Elizabeth... She's illogical like that. I was planning on keeping her that way (She wasn't really supposed to be sympathized for being stupid) but I mean it is really stupid... I'll change her (I guess? I'm not sure how I'm supposed to display her comedic level of stupidity in another way). And also Ater... He was sort of the type of person (cat... I guess) to do things that were to his advantage but the second they became disadvantageous, he'd drop it and run off a different plan (But I should've added a bit where everyone goes Ater can talk?? I'm sorry about the confusion on that...) I tried to limit the named characters, but they will just pile up (I mean, like... there's already what... 13 people that should sort of be remembered which is a lot. The familiars, some of them, I should add the bits for that. I didn't add them, but I'll add them. (I was like; am I seriously going to write that there was a plethora of animals dancing around being weird or something and debated no... But I should've because it's weird I guess) I'll try to keep the wordiness to a minimum and I'll try to fix everything, but it might take a few weeks to get through all the chapters again because I'm slow at writing (like it takes me four hours to write... 2000 words on a mediocre day). Thank you again for telling me OvO

    Sileo (Restart)
    Fantaisie · Katzenliebe
  • Katzenliebe

    It's an interesting concept, (I wouldn't say new because I've seen it I think a few times, but with some other form of currency), and I liked how everything was formatted and introduced. Just for the people on the phones, cut the paragraphs a little bit. The biggest problem is just typos and some spelling errors (that I'm mentioning, but only because they happen frequently) and a problem that isn't really a problem and I don't know if I should take it out on Character design or Story development because I can't decide. Spelling: Thru - It's through. I mean Thru is fine, but it's informal and I mean it is a sort of journal format but that wouldn't explain the very good memory this guy has (though, to be fair, it is quite possible to remember exact conversations down to the word). I don't know why no one has mentioned it yet, or maybe someone has and I haven't seen it, but just by the fact that it hasn't changed probably means no one mentioned it. I actually went back to the first chapter to check if this was journal and I mean it does seem that way but Peter has an extremely good memory. It's just... thru is weird to read, or maybe that's just me. There's no real need to change it, but it is kind of weird? Non - It's I think... none. Because non is no in French and I'm pretty sure it was fixed at some point? Or my memory is failing me, but regardless it does happen a couple times, but not enough for it to be as brain grating as thru. Will/will - This isn't spelling, and I know it's a typo, but will is also a verb. And sometimes (and this is probably only because I'm weird) I would read this person will... and I'd think, "This person, Will." and it's be kind of hard to understand until I realize that it isn't a typo and this happens vice versa. Overall Typos: There are several typos where it really does get confusing (Probably just me) but near the beginning or middle (???) there was one (and this is super specific but there are others) where someone said: "Gey tour dog." I read that as: "Gay tour dog." And while that is probably just me being weird or something, the typos do affect the story just a little bit (mostly because I searched up gey to see if it was a word). It was "Get your dog." Probably because I was being stupid and couldn't see that, but I mean, it happened a couple times? Maybe three or four so it's not a huge problem, but it's just something I noticed. Verbs: There are verb errors, or just some verbs that are placed somewhat confusingly, although they aren't errors. Like: "Dadadaadadada," Said Mr. Fox, and left. This only happens with verbs so far, there's nothing really wrong with the adjectives and other weird things, but it's kind of iffy? I might be picky, but it's sort of just maybe it needs an article, or the verbs should be moved or something, but this kind of order happens a few times every I'd say five chapters or so. Not a real huge problem, but it's there. This last thing. I'm not even sure what category it goes into so I picked one. It's probably either character design, but it's also not character design because the characters are okay? So idk. And this is highly opinionated and only comes up when there's a lot of chapters. The plot is sort of I mean, it's clearly the tactic of not telling the reader too much, but there are some things that kind of ruined the surprise (Was it even supposed to be a surprise? idk). But like, the simplest things, it's just the order of events: 1. Introduced to Blue, by Zhong Yong and others. 2. He is described as smart. 2.5. Middle stuff happens that really isn't that essential to guessing who did it. 3. Zhong Yong goes to battle, he loses. 4. (this is important) Blue becomes supreme ruler of Martial Heroes, and the reader is told that Zhong Yong was poisoned. 5. We are told that it was possible for an inside man to have poisoned Zhong Yong, plus other possibilities which really aren't that likely. From that order... and the fact that we're literally given choices to pick from, it's kind of obvious that Blue did it. He stood the most to gain, and he was the one who decided himself as the new ruler or something (mostly him). I don't know if this was supposed to be a twist, or if it wasn't, but just from the fact that Zhong Yong died, it kind of lays suspicion that there was an inside man. The only other men that were introduced don't even seem to be as close to Zhong Yong as Blue did and while I mean, yes some external force could come; the likelihood. I don't know if it's just me being weird, or if this wasn't even supposed to be a plot twist, but if it was, I would make it so that Blue becoming supreme ruler of Martial Heroes was more smooth. It wasn't smooth, I mean I guess it sort of was? But also, it wasn't. It was random and a choice that, to me at least, was strange because while Blue is a fantastic smart person, he's not physically strong and wouldn't someone test him??? Also, he's in the perfect situation where getting money and becoming stronger would benefit him as others said he was smart, but not muscle-y strong. If this was supposed to be a plot twist (idk if it is) the order of events should be fixed maybe? Just maybe... So that maybe... idk, these people learn of the poison first before they confront Zhong Yong. Whether or not Zhong Yong agrees doesn't matter and regardless Blue is informed and while he doesn't go completely against it, he isn't completely for it. He has to be someone who is also caught in the moment of "HE'S GOING TO BE POISONED??". From there it can continue, with extra security and probably make some sort of super weak alibi that the readers can't figure out (to solve that, make the fake alibi and the truth so spread out, in terms of chapters) and usually, unless people pull some sort of weird trick, it should work? I'm not sure...? I'm not even sure if this was supposed to be a plot twist, it just disturbed me how everyone is this super logical group that also somehow fails to notice the fact that Blue has the most to gain and has the highest chance of getting Zhong Yong. The other thing was that everyone is somewhat this sort of perfect logician and while this is fine and makes sense, they all had these moments of brilliance but people aren't just smart or logical. And I mean, Nacho Hat with Extra Avocado (I miss the guy, he was funny) wasn't super smart, but still. All the 'good' characters and the really 'bad' characters are all smart, capable people who can do things, and I mean it's fine, but also... it's weird? To me at least. They're just... too perfect. Too perfect in the way how their flaws somehow make them seem cooler. Idk, maybe I just don't know them well enough, but that's sort of the feeling they gave me. It could be with who is summoned and whatnot, but I mean eh. There was something I was going to point out, but I think... I just forgot it. Sorry Q.Q If I do remember it, I'll add it in, but right now I think... O.o Other than most of that sort of too opinionated thing, it's really cool and I liked the fact that Will just pops in whenever I was going "Where's Will?". I mean out of everything that was great, Will going in and out was the best. He's just... there. Like some creep, but he's just... THERE...

    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe
    - Now kisss - Will whispered, but loudly enough so everybody could hear.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    He watched Durarara!! and decided to be Aoba and create the Blue Squares

    - I know, but usually, the nickname comes from somewhere, and he didn't have a single blue thing on.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    I couldn't find a gif for the serves that Oikawa does cause the crowd always goes Ole.

    - Yes, we can - was Oooeee's response. - I'm Ole, the head scout of my people. I'm leading this party to visit the new people pulled to those lands, and rely on a warning.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    Peter officially has Despereaux syndrome. (It's not a real syndrome if you don't know the book. Idk sometimes I say that and no one understands because they haven't seen the book. It was a good book.)

    - I'm... I'm curious.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe
    Répondu à MasterHexer


    Ch 33 Days LVI- LXIII: Determination and upgrades
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe
    Répondu à MasterHexer

    Thanks, I was just curious because it was just... there are so many people in the brothel, I just thought that they were all their biding their time or something.

    Ch 56 Day CC
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    This is also kind of weird, but why Blitzkrieg?? Blue I get, blue is blue and there's nothing more peaceful then blue until it's that Blue. But Blitzkrieg? That's just... everyone associates it with violence. Why would any sane person call themselves something like that? Especially considering the fact that this guy is asking for Peter to help??? Like, Live Gummy Bears would sound less suspicious than Blitzkrieg. Just saying...

    Ch 72 Day CCXV, part III
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    That is, by far, the most creative way I've ever seen someone use a barrier. To make someone trip. Just... barrier has evolved into trip wire.

    I made a barrier just below his knees and he hit it. It was not enough to stop him, but just enough to make him fall. Even to he swung, but I blocked with my forearm. The hit was awkward and barely cut my skin. Mine wasn't. I jammed the knife into his stull.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    Wait... so now these guys really are jerks. They raised rent.

    After a bit of bargaining tax collectors finally agreed to take two instead o three crystals as a tax. I had no idea how many wolf ones they usually took, so they could just deceive me. In the end, it was not important.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    Like you haven't

    - We received information about you possibly killing twenty people in the woods.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    I'm just curious, but is there going to be any woman who's just going to get... fed up? Not that it's bad or anything, I'm just wondering because I mean, there must be some sort of girl that is just... I would rather die that be in a brothel. (And there are people like that, actually now that I think of it, there are plenty of examples of people who would rather die than be... in a situation similar to that of a brothel) I mean, they would obviously probably die if they weren't strong enough...

    Ch 56 Day CC
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    If you're in the middle of a crisis, have to fight for food and whatnot, all you can think about is getting laid. Wow. That's actually... kind of impressive.

    - Ooh! Come one! Cut the crap. Every man wants to fondle some nice perky tits, and drink some booze. Come with me, I'll show you a good place.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    I mean, his name is Blitzkrieg

    This guy had blonde hair and was more or less my height. Sharp features on a squared face and white skin. The accent was pointing at the german background.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    This isn't like a question or anything, but I just want to say that out of everyone, the fact that (right now) Nacho Hat with Extra Avocado is a threat is funny. I don't know why, but Nacho Hat with Extra Avocado is funny like some mad avocado yelling at Peter to "STOP RUINING EVERYTHING AND GIVE US MONEY" sort of funny. Imagine an avocado with these cute eyes and smiling mouth yelling Peter to give them money or get killed. Or just an avocado wearing a nacho hat waving a sword around.

    Ch 54 Days CLXVII - CXCVII
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    Will is always there when there's this "Where's Will?" feeling. Like... every single time.

    - You pissed a few guys off. They are talking in the city about an asshole who doesn't want to share hunting grounds. They even provide quite an accurate description. How the heck do you think I managed to find you?
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    If his name is Blue, that's Aoi in Japanese, but Aoi is mostly unisex, sliding towards being a girl's name in Japan. Aka, Daidai, Ki, Midori, Aoi, Murasakino, Shiroi, Kuro~

    He gave Blue a look. That made him back off a bit.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    Maybe he's a highly charismatic crazy person that wants to use you and kill you when done.

    There was something in him. Maybe the way he spoke? Or his whole persona? Maybe it was about how much he believed in his own words? I don't know. I only know that I believed him. And I also believed it's possible to achive.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • Katzenliebe

    I just need to say this, but the way how this is phrased sounds like Zhang Yong fell in love with Peter. I mean, the effect is there, but is that the actual effect??? It really sounds like Zhang Yong is in love with Peter. Just saying. Because it's Will saying it and frankly, at this point, Will is funny so not totally sure if he means that.

    - I have some news for you. Zhang Yong was asking for you. Well, not he directly, but his men. He probably fell for you after that rat massacre.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer