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how insecure are u bruh, that's like the world average
ey i am down. hit me up
yeah cos saying 3billion people atleast, are shallow, isn't.
"you're saying as if all women aren't shallow smh" i implied not all of them are. there's no point besides. plus don't use imbecile if you don't know where to use it or to whom. it might become ironic, just saying
You don't see the point? the point is that not all women are shallow. that's a stupid thing to say otherwise. i thought the point was pretty clear considering what i replied to.
the novel is a contradiction with conflicting executions.
i will just say the biggest flaw so far has been the pacing for me that i am quitting here. the problem is that the novels "starts" multiple times. the beginning of the novel, the huge planet, the ordeal. the ideas are very solid but the pacing is kind of fucked by the ideas. it almots feels like i am reading the novel again even though i have read it to triple digit chapters. the mc is conveniently powered down. the idea is to take an ordinary mc and show him being ordinary but the author can't seem to decide what between ordinary and protagonist. the mc is shown to be not ordinary, he can kill multiple strong enemies when actual ordinary people struggle against one weak enemy. his stats are far from ordinary. so there's a big contradiction going on and that kind of js frustrating. trying is actually trying to make him be below average with stats and skills already shown to be way above average. he's writing for personal convenience instead of "realism". i will say the novel overall is pretty unique but the grasp it has on you becomes looser as the chapters progress, exactly opposite of what you want it to be happening. you know when in other novels mc goes to another dimension to start at fucking 0 feels bad. it serves as a pause for the author to calm the power creep and control the flow but it also completely fucks up the momentum. the momentum is repeatedly lost in the first 100 or so chapters. the author sows shiny gold to the reader but then tries to convince the reader that the shiny gold was actually ugly shit through telling. unique idea, too grandoise though which works against it.
actually nah. i have seen lots of mutual female friends be with guys who are way worse looking, when they can themselves land a 7-8 guy. and they aren't rich etc like that.
also the pacing makes no sense. also how did jenny appear suddenly to rescue him during the fight with mac. i thought they met in like the vr world. the vr world makes no sense, they were outside the city. met, had aphrodisiac (classic way to start romance xd), and then next day they ended up in a room somewhere. he logged off, mom was kidnapped. not sure if from his house, if yes then why not take protagonist with him too. i don't nitpick these little things. i can turn my brain off and enjoy a Novel for what it is trying to do. but in this case, the horrible issues get in the way of me enjoying it. all these paid review books are killing the platform for me. i don't enjoy any of these system novels anymore. maybe i will make a "system system" novel.
well I kind of hinted it subtly over the course of the novel. but u will have to read on to find more i guess.