


awalnya, menulis bukan lah hobi saya, namun setelah beberapa kali mencoba menulis, saya merasa sangat senang. saya bisa menyalurkan imajinasi saya dengan sangat bebas. ^^ webnovel 감사합니다 ^_^

2020-12-16 JointIndonesia



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Married By Contract

When two people are involved in a marriage that was completely unexpected and not even planned, it makes the two of them end up trapped in a relationship that is quite awkward with each other. The obligation to get married, at the insistence of their parents, became the basis for the two of them to do this. Finally The two of them were brought together by a dating application, that is currently being used by many people. Axel, a 35-year-old man who is an only child from a wealthy family, is completely inexperienced in love and decided to find a partner through a dating application on the advice of his secretary. He did this because of the constant pressure. He received it from his father. This accidental meeting made him finally meet a woman named Summer. The woman is five years younger than Axel. Summer is the second child of two siblings. Her older Brother is currently studying abroad. Summer comes from a family that can be considered affluent. Summer also gets the same thing as Axel when she is forced to go on a blind date by her mother so that she get's married soon. Having a mother who is very obsessed with marriage makes Summer decide to use a dating application to avoid an arranged marriage that her mother has done. Axel had a Very Cold attitude, which made Summer reluctant to have a relationship with him, so Summer hated Axel so much. It was different with Axel his first meeting with Summer at that time made Axel not regret using the dating application that he used to find a partner. The reason is Summer is the criteria for Axel's ideal woman and, at the same time the woman who made Axel fall in love at first sight. The two of them, were finally involved in a contract marriage. Many things happened beyond their reason in their lives after they became a couple. Will they be able to get through it? And is it possible to grow the seeds of real love between the two of them?

simmersunshine07 · Adolescent
Pas assez d’évaluations
24 Chs

Aku, Kamu dan Valentine

Bagi kebanyakan orang hari Valentine atau biasa kita sebut hari kasih sayang, merupakan hari yang sangat di nantikan. Entah itu pasangan suami - istri, sepasang kekasih, atau mungkin antara anak dengan orangtua. mereka saling berlomba - lomba untuk memberikan kasih sayang satu sama lain. saling memberikan kado, coklat atau bunga, bahkan ada yang hanya sekedar lewat ucapan saja. Tapi bagi wanita yang bernama Fildza, Valentine merupakan hari yang penuh dengan kenangan indah sekaligus kenangan pahit bagi nya. Setelah apa yang sudah di lakukan oleh pria bernama Tito itu padanya, membuat nya seolah enggan berhubungan lagi dengan pria. Awal mula nya Fildza dan Tito merupakan sahabat baik. entah mengapa kebersamaan diantara mereka bisa menimbulkan benih - benih cinta di antara kedua nya. Fildza merupakan sosok wanita karir yang sangat mencintai pekerjaannya. Karena kesibukan nya itu, membuat Fildza perlahan melupakan cinta pertama nya yang bernama Tito. Waktu kian berlalu begitu tak terasa. Tito yang merupakan cinta pertama Fildza, sekaligus orang yang sangat di benci oleh Fildza, muncul kembali di hadapan Fildza setelah menghilang tanpa kabar sedikitpun pada Fildza pada saat hari Valentine di umur nya yang ke 34 tahun. Kembali nya Tito membuat perasaan Fildza kembali goyah. Akan kah Tito bisa mendapat kan kembali hati Fildza? atau kah mereka hanya bisa memperbaiki persahabatan diantara mereka saja? dan akan kah presepsi Fildza tentang hari valentine akan berubah?

simmersunshine07 · Adolescent
52 Chs