I don't like racism and I hate people who bring real life politics into novels and fanfics so don't bother me with that crap. What I write in my novels has nothing to do with the real world.
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They will call you chinese straight away because you used cultivation tropes yeah... Its gotta that bad just keep writing dont argue too much seems like a waste to argue with people who don't even listen to facts.
Just write wtf you want. You will get people like this that hate cultivation novels in any depth. You will get people who say your writing is A.I generated just because you put what you wrote into chatgpt and used grammarly for sentence restructure or to see any grammar mistakes. Just fucking ignore them and write what you want. Readers who like it will read it. Some authors will hate you for doing cultivation for their own reasons idk why it's like this but this is what the world has come to with all the media and political bullshit maybe. or maybe it's just they hate the cultivation trope just write what u want. Your story is actually refreshing it's op yes it's mashed together yes but it's fun not boring has more interesting storyline than most of tv shows now. Your doing good writing should be a place where you look at it from a unbiased opinion but these days they dont just keep writing dude.
Only privilege u got is the twitter privilege get tf off this site if ur gonna be a moron who goes around being a dickhead or better yet why don't we meet up so I can stab YOU and beat thr shit out of you keyboard warrior your just fucking annoying
they suck
wow look at that thinking for yourself rheir hud nice job
Your reply will be generated in 3 to 10 business days but everytime someone messages me something annoying your reply will be delayed be a month
in the words of someone who isn't American shut the fuck up and fuck off u keep replying to my comments with stupid nonsense fuck off
Better yes but not really that well. Ain't really rage as a major impact purely just majorly stress adding to it is a tiny bit of rage at how dumb people reckon 90% of people who talk shit on the Internet will not say it standing right in front of u. But I guess they know they are dickheads. But Yeah I'll get back to the question on Thursday mate a bit tired rn woke up 4am
I'm not chinese so chairman Mao doesn't apply to me please fuck off with the stupid insults I can make fun of your president with the many criminal crimes and absolute weirdo he is but I don't. I'm actually annoyed that you decided to be a prick but I guess your American right its in your nature to just throw around insults without considering consequences I mean look at your nation its basically being ruled by the rich just like Korea. But your gonna take offense to this and act like "I" asked out wrong by saying all of this which again is very American of you seen your officials act the same way to someone who isn't from China but keeps demanding he is chinese I'm British but because I don't like your government but think FAVOURABLY of china's current choices not to ruin their economy you decide to think I'm fucking chinese because of that??? Your a fucking joke dude
Your very negative as a person I will block you hope that doesn't offend you I just don't like negativity have too much in my life already.