Legend of Tenma: Rise to Power
“How can I defend those who cast me away when I, myself, are suffering?” a ragged and mentally shattered Tenma Penmark would whisper to herself daily as if on a schedule, as she has been forced defenseless into a world of power and hatefulness.
Our poor heroine longs for a way out, a ray of sunshine to crash through her darkness and carry her out like the princess she is.
Or is she?
“I’ve found it.” She thought excitedly to herself once formally invited to join those who chose to fight against their human-beaten system run by a crooked King. A resistance group, run by a shiny girl whom they call “Toya” and followed around by her shadow named Hinata. As she falls into her place in this power-battling group of people, unease suddenly settles in like a bag of bricks, she begins to feel as if there is something wrong here...no,
something more.
FuyuNoOkami · Fantastique