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All ffs do that. kind of a cliche
Finally a story without a stupid harem!!!!
That was an amazing chapter!
I'm a guy. I'm just not a incel, a edgelord teenager or a fan of Andrew Tate. Which one of this are you? Not all guys like to read stories with douche bags as the main character.
I thought MC didn't like to kill. Now there will be massacres?
The scene where she kick Lip on the balls was painful to watch.
Brokeback Mountain was robbed that year.
Dude, you're not a politicial, you are not Odin, you are not a king. You are a guy trying to be profound on the comment sections of a fanfiction.You are someone with a overinflated sense of self importance. That's what we call edgelords, shallow people trying to be profound and failing, they are normally teenager, because they have to look for affirmation. if you are not a teenager, I really feel sorry for you.