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It's not perfect by any chance nor is it close to a satisfying story, but considering how I've spent some coins on comics that were unceremoniously dropped or worse, recommend daily reading cash grabs. This one at least has a happy ending. This has a fresher take on a reincarnated lead as far as I'm concerned. This has a cliched Korean romance drama...IYKYK *winkwink* ending and I'm not gonna hate on that. Like most of the commenters here, I wish it had a tighter ending regarding the side characters but I don't care much about them to start with so not a great reading loss.
This book has been DROPPED. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY☠️
Finally! After 286 chapters, the mom eventually grew a spine (somewhat).Whew!
*** DON'T WASTE YOUR COINS*** Unfinished comics tagged as completed!
Sad that I have to drop this novel. I just can't stand how bad the translation has been. Names are interchanged and the wrong pronouns take away the flow of the story. It needs a lot of editing. I think reading 60 chapters is enough chance to have wasted coins on. I think I'll just check out the drama.
Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I haven't read past episode 90. I got caught up with other novels in this app. I'll probably revisit this story in the future.
WARNING ⚠️ Don't waste your coins for this incomplete yet marked Completed novel. I've noticed WebNovel gives out a Single FastPass ticket to these kind of stories. Shady sneaky a** wipes. Isn't this considered criminal practice? They're practically deceiving people to spend their coins on something incomplete 🤬
Loving this story so far. Another new found gem of a non-cliche Transmigrator story wherein even the main character had earlier cheekily lamented on it. Binged read til chapter 45 and I'm only signing off coz it's freaking 4:09 am PST, it's that good. Refreshing to be reading about an average looking lead with a healthy dose of self-awareness and a sprinkle of some business acumen. Now off to catch some Zzz's