



2020-10-06 JointGlobal

de la lecture


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  • DumbWeeb11
    DumbWeeb11a day ago

    Well in my opinion the story has potential, like a huge amount of potential but its so poorly executed that it makes me sad while reading it. Firstly the Mc is completely spineles(im exageratting a little here but anyway).Basically the Mc's mother is one of the "Big Bad's" and she basically forces him to alienate his friends and loved ones because if he cares for anyone she will kill them.She also has this big terrorist organisation that dies her bidding, so naturally the Mc is completely helpless against her and must continue to act retarded(push away his loved ones) in order to keep everyone safe....now heres the part that bothers me. The Mc's mom is not the Srongest bad guy. In fact there are many beings that are stronger then her.Beings that the Mc could potentially use to deal with his mother. How you may ask? Well its really simple...The Mc has knowledge from the game that hes transmigrated in(i think..this shit is so convoluted im fkn having a seizure tryna understand it) he does jack shit(exept in the begining) with that knowledge. Now the author was probably trying to write a sad story about a boy sacrificing everything for his loved ones but honestly this is just like one lf those trashy japanese mangas that constantly tease ntr(though i know this doesnt have it...i hope it diesnt change). Why he cant just strategically tell someone what he going through i dont get(ive chalked it up to either the mc or the author being retarded though im starting to believe both are at this point).Before you say that hes being monitored by his mother, his friends would be dead if he was because he quite clearly cares about them.Anyway my advice? Make the Mc smarter.

  • DumbWeeb11
    DumbWeeb114 days ago
    Répondu à DaoOfCulture

    A bit late but ill try to give a simple explanation without the complicated physics. In a Zero Gravity field EVERYTHING is weightless and that includes air(air has weight if ya didnt know). In normal circumstances Ghislaine could kick the air to proppell herself forward(kinda like a bastardized Geppo) but since EVERYTHING has no weight shes essentially trapped and the only way to escape as a Swordsman is to quite litterally cut the mana Seraphim is manipulating.Hope this helps.

  • DumbWeeb11
    DumbWeeb11a month ago

    What do you mean advanced chapters on Pat*eon??! Youre litterally copying this from spacebattles theres more than 100 chs on there ya dumb thief.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • DumbWeeb11
    DumbWeeb112 months ago

    Great Novel! The characters are well written an feel pretty real, they dont feel like cheap cardboard. The only issue i have with this which is a personal one and not one most people would have is the main character. Hes just simply not strong enough. Dont get me wron his progression in both strength and character have been great, but ive read many novels with the same premise so its gotten kinda boring for me. Im half tempted to write a fanfic on this where everything is the same just the Mc is absolutely Op like Gojo Satoru levels of Op. I think the interactions between the Mc and the other characters would be mega funny. Like Liyana threatens to kill him for being with another girl and he just tells her she cant and that shes weak. Itd be funny as hell.

  • DumbWeeb11
    DumbWeeb113 months ago

    This is really getting old and boring, which is probably the reason why your story isnt topping the leaderboards even though its so well structured(note the sarcasm on that)

  • DumbWeeb11
    DumbWeeb114 months ago


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  • DumbWeeb11
    DumbWeeb115 months ago

    Try to space the Rank Letters from the other attributes because reading this is giving me a headache.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.