Donnel's Dilemma
Co-written by Catherine Ross and Tamzine Tolana
A story, more like a play, about two twins whose relationship is ruined by a girl, much to Donnel's, their best friend, benefit until one of the twins' ex comes back craving for revenge.
But first, Donnel wakes up in a comma and tries to figure out how to put his life back together, after his life too is impacted by this devious girl who's pushed him farther away from the twins. Only to realize that there is someone, or something much worse, lurking nearby.
Donnel wakes up from a comma and tries to put together his now puzzled life, whilst also trying to find the real culprit who shot him and several others two days after the prom (known as the Matric Ball here in South Africa)
He suspects the rich girl named Lihle, but Catherine's little destructions are too much for him to handle, so astray he goes, with Amnesia.
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