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Can’t wait for the rematch with the wizard!
GREAT chapter tge growth is impeccable as always
Please never stop posting this novel.
I have never made a review for any book ever. I say this to further emphasize just how great this book is. It is one of the best interpretations of a weak to strong story ever made. It seems so simple at first until you realize you’ve hit chapter 48 and it still feels like the growth is right. Most of these stories start off great and then turn to shit but somehow the author has an impeccable sense of writing that FORCES you to be enjoyed. There is almost no exposition yet the world building is great. It feels like I’m learning about the world with the character which is insanely difficult for most authors. Next up the characters are beautifully made, especially our main character. in the most recent chapter (chapter 96) as I was reading about his backstory I thought about how it seems as if he likens using the sword as a substitute for having a family. Lo and behold, right after he says the sword is his family. That type of characterization that made me understand the character so much that I could PREDICT his thoughts has almost never happened to me before. I could keep going on and on about the story but I think this is enough to get you to just start reading it as I wouldn’t want anything to be spoiled for you!