


Newbie writer, hopefully could become one of the best writer in the world

2020-09-27 JointIndonesia



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Euron, the fairy, lived peacefully in the remote village of Redwood in the human kingdom. He had been living there for centuries, blending in with the humans and living off the land. Nalan was a skilled hunter, He would then sell his kills to the nearest town, making a modest living for himself. Nalan possessed powers that made him a skilled hunter. He could move noiselessly through the forest, his agility carrying him swiftly from tree to tree. His keen eyesight and sharp hearing allowed him to track and catch his prey with ease. And so, Euron would spend his days roaming the forest, gathering food for himself and occasionally selling his kills to the humans in the nearby town for a modest living. One day, Euron went out to the town after finishing his business in the town he came back in the afternoon. When he was near the village, he noticed something unusual from afar. Euron saw thick black smoke rising high into the sky from the direction of the village. His heart began to race with worry, and he quickly ran towards the village. As he got closer, his worst fears were confirmed. The once peaceful and vibrant Redwood village was now burning to the ground. Corpses littered the streets, and the smell of death hung heavy in the air. Euron's heart sank as he saw the village where he had lived all this time reduced to ruins. He landed in the center of the village and frantically looked around, searching for any signs of life. But all he found were the lifeless bodies of his friends and neighbors. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that he was too late to save them. As he saw the destruction, Euron's thoughts what could have caused this. He had never seen anything like it after the Great War. Euron's heart was broken even further when he saw an orc corpse lying on the ground. He did not want to believe that the dark creature had returned after being gone for hundreds of years, but the corpse before his eyes proves otherwise. After more than thousands of years living in peace, maybe something worse would happen.

Rivera_2813 · Fantaisie
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