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becoz the biggest curse walked in
it's humiliating i think
he was always lacking emotions due to root training
whatever fancy speech u give whatever justification u give it will never excuse you of what u did and u didn't even question ur actions or show any remorse or regret in doing so the mc action is evil and if he ever suffer any consequences he only has to blame himself l am pissed not because of the action he took but he didn't even hesitate or consider other alternatives
after this action every time mc suffer I will be happy ricky doesn't deserve to be happy what he did crossed a line his opponents are not supernatural they can't do anything to him now he even has a means to protect everyone even still he saw the need to kill children and women to make a example i don't feel anything other than disgust and all the other edgelords on this app rejoicing his actions are psychopaths
but is it actually wilderness or a civilized society
if he just wanted to make an example he could have given them painless death and then burned them no one would have known no but mc has to be a edgelord and burn them alive there is nothing great in killing ants in cruel method whatever he may claim to be great or a man he is nothing but a sadistic child in my eyes even if he wanted to make him suffer he could easily use some illusion or trick him in believing his family is suffering instead of actually doing it
why kill the family he could easily give him most shuddering death to make an example that would be enough
jelly fish is better for regeneration
wow it's like they were waiting to give him the starting package of Isekai